Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bring in the New Year!

It's almost 6 pm here on the east coast. I honestly cannot wait for the new year. It's going to mean new things. I know I've said this before, but if I get in the program or not I'm going to do something new in the fall. I can't wait. I know that January entails a lot of waiting (3 WEEKS UNTIL APPLICATIONS) and then even more waiting after that to see if you got in the program or not. My mom was just asking me when I'll know if I got in or not because she and my dad were already planning on going down for the fall but now they're not sure for my/my mom's birthday or Thanksgiving. It's weird thinking that this time next year I'll have about 3 days left in Florida. I haven't even gotten in the program and I'm already thinking about how I'll feel at the end of it... jeez.

The new year also means 10 more days until my last planned trip to Disney. I booked my Keys to the Kingdom tour for Wednesday, January 13 at 8:30 am. That way I won't have to get up too early but I still get to see Main Street with no people on it. I think I'm going to bring my computer down to Florida so I might update this blog with the goings on in my trip. I'm going to try to twitpic some pictures on my twitter. It all depends on if I get a new phone in the next 10 days. I mean I can twitpic pictures but I can't add text to the tweet describing it on my phone...

So every one in the spring 2010 program just days/weeks away from their program HAVE FUN. Remember it's a great oppourtunity and just make the best of it. I've read so much about people bashing the program and cast members. Have fun and wish every guest you meet to have a magical day.

Everyone waiting for the fall 2010 apps. It's just a few weeks away. We can do it. Join the AIM Chat and the video chat (whenever we do that again). There are people out there that love Disney just as much as you!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Vacation Videos are UP!

I finished editing all my vacation videos... from July. So here are parts 2-4. (They may not all be fully uploaded at the current time, so just check back)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I was browsing on the DIS Boards and I caught the title of the thread stating that Roy E. Disney passed away this morning. There was an article linked Roy Edward Disney dies at 79; nephew of Walt helped revive animation. After yesterday being the 43rd anniversary of Walt's death I found it shocking that his nephew passed away today. May he rest in peace.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Tomorrow I start my finals... eek. I have my french final at 9 am. Then Thursday I have my nutrition final at 8 am (ew). Friday my history final at 7 pm (also ew). Saturday at 8 am I have my math final. Then I'm done. I'm excited for vacation. It's Christmas. But also I put a ton of Disney books on hold at the library. On my list I have Realityland : true-life adventures at Walt Disney World by David Koenig, Since the world began : Walt Disney World, the first 25 years by Jeff Kurtti, and Be our guest : perfecting the art of customer service by the Disney Institute. I also got this book about Epcot when it first opened called Walt Disney's Epcot Center: Creating the New World of Tomorrow. I'll have to show it in a vlog.

So is it bad that I want finals to be over just so I can read about Disney? By Saturday morning around 9 o'clock (I'm good at math, and it's a wicked easy class) I will be done with my first semester. Blah. I'm scared though. Some classes I'm not doing too well in though. Mainly history and nutrition. All day Thursday and Friday I have to read the 2 chapters in my history book, it's so boring though. I thought this class would be interesting but it's not. Never take history of technology. The only thing interesting about it was learning about all the household appliances. It reminded me about Carousel of Progress. That's one of my favorite attractions.

Well, I guess I should go back to studying French. That's all I've been doing for the past 2 days. All I know is: Bonjour! Je m'appelle Molly. Au revoir.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Last Day

Today was my last day of classes!! No more french. No more nutrition. No more history of technology. No more math.. until next semester. I'm so happy. Although I do have final exams next week. But by Saturday at 11 am at the latest I will be done with my first semester of college. I'm ready for this 1 month break. I'm ready for Christmas, for New Years, for my last family trip to Disney, for APPLICATIONS FOR THE DCP!! I'm ready for 2010. It just will mean new things for me no matter what. I'm either going to Florida for the fall or going to a new school, learning something that's actually interesting to me.

So you probably won't hear from me until after finals. And then when I go home I'm working full time (hopefully). That's what I told my schedule supervisor. I'm ready to make money instead of spending it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vlog # 2

Here you go:


I just recorded a vlog and went to edit it and it had no sound. Poo. It was the second time I recorded it too. Now I have to record it for a third time. But my suitemates are going crazy and they're probably going to come into my room when I'm in the middle of recording. Oh well. Maybe another day.

Nevermind.. I just recorded another one and it worked. So look for it in the next 20 minutes.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

It's Walter Elias Disney's 108th birthday today! Without him we wouldn't all be planning to work at the most magical place on earth. So Happy Birthday Walt!

Friday, December 4, 2009

What's this?!

A vlog. Well okay. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Can't Sleep

Right now it's one in the morning and I can't sleep so I thought I'd post here.,,, My roommmate's snoring again. I can't stand it. She doesn't do it all the time, just when her sinuses are stuffed.... like tonight.. and last night. I HATE SNORERES. So yeah. Last night I threw my stuffed animal at her but it didn't work. But she woke up and started coughing so I was all set. So I'm just waiting it out now. I'm totally going to get here some snoring nose things tomorrow. I have an 8am class tomorrow too. I'm so pissed. On the DCP roommate questionnaire there should be a question about snoring. Cause I can't stand it... if you can't already tell.

This isn't a Disney post. Sorry. But I'll post one later... I'm not sure when.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Much Better Quality

I reuploaded the vacation video and it's much better quality. I'm still trying to figure out how my program works ha.

Here it is.... again.