Monday, November 9, 2009


I talked with my advisor today. I started talking about how I wanted to transfer to JWU for their hospitality program. She said that it was better that I switch to someplace where I learn something I want, rather than be forced into their general business program. So hopefully I'll be going to school there next year (at some point).

I just feel like I'm getting my hopes up too much about the Fall program. I really really really don't want to get denied. But also, if I don't end up making the Fall '10 program than I'd be going to JWU that fall, and I could always apply for Spring or next Fall. Nothing against Spring, I just think that the weather would get to me after a while. I mean I'm an Irish girl from Rhode Island. I don't tan, and it gets pretty cold her. Speaking of weather, it was in the 60s today and yesterday. Hopefully it's that nice Wednesday when I go on tour.

So I get my computer back tomorrow. I'm so excited. I'm glad that my dad was able to give me his, it's just annoying how he has this program that deletes the cookies every few hours. So I get to log into all my accounts basically every time I open Explorer.

I think once I apply to the DCP in January then I'd get more focused for what's going to happen next Fall. I hope that if I get in I can "stay" at URI for that semester, and defer my acceptance to JWU until their spring term. That's my goal. Let's hope this all works out.


  1. I'm glad your adviser trip went well. Hopefully you'll be able to get into Fall 2010. I'm really hoping the whole fiasco with so many people getting denied in Fall 2009 was because Disney was scared about where the economic downturn would go and since we're on the up and up, they seem to be accepting more people. If you want to go Fall 2010 in general more than you want a specific role, put down Attractions, QSFB, Custodial, and Merchandise... plus any others that you want, but those are the ones with the most spots. I had to wait an extra semester to do the program (I applied for Fall 09 and ended up accepted for Spring 2010) and after the initial upset, I kind of enjoyed having more time to meet people online and learn more about the program before I dove into it. However your adventure unfolds, I hope it goes well! Good Luck!

  2. I'm thinking of applying for Concierge, Vacation Planner, Hospitality, Merchandise, Main Entrance Ops, and Costuming. I hope having merchandise in there will open up more options. I'd rather be in hospitality but I'm not against merchandise.
