Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What to do, what to do... UPDATE

Those are my options.

So last year, senior year of high school, we had to do this "senior project" which involved doing fieldwork, getting a mentor, having a product, and presenting about a topic or field you're interested in. I did mine on, what else, Disney. More specifically "Planning a Walt Disney World Vacation With Your Special Needs." I worked with a travel agent, and got to research about a company I already loved. I realized that at the end of the project that I wanted to work with Disney in some way or another.. the only problem was that I didn't apply to the one school near me with a hospitality major. I know that I don't need to be in hospitality to work at disney world. But it's what I'm interested in, I just realized it too late.

So right now I'm a business major at the University of Rhode Island. And I'm thinking about transferring to Johnson and Wales Providence to be a Travel-Tourism and Hospitality major. JWU is only about 20 minutes away from my house, I wouldn't live there I'd commute. (I just need a car for that)

Now here's where it gets tricky. I really really really really really want to be in the Fall 10 college program. I also want to stay at URI for at least one more semester. Just to complete my freshman year in one place. Do I want to wait until Spring/Fall 11 to do the program? I am just so overwhelmed with options to do. I also haven't talked to my parents or advisor about this yet... So I should probably discuss this with them. But I'll talk to it with my advisor on the 2nd when I have my appointment. EDIT: My advisor emailed me that she canceled my appointment... because she thinks I just want to discuss what she's going to my class to talk about... but I don't. Now I can't make a new appointment until the third week of November.

Can I just go back to senior year and tell myself to apply to JWU? It'd make life so much easier.

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